What is Bowen Therapy? Can Bowen therapy help me?

What is the Bowen technique?
The Bowen Technique is a gentle therapy that seeks to remedy the cause of the problem rather than just treating the symptoms and addresses the whole body rather than a condition or specific area of pain. It is not a form of massage although it has shown to relax even the most stressed clients. The Bowen move is a gentle rolling movement over the muscles or a tendon that sends a ‘message’ via the connective fascia tissue in the body to the brain; the therapist leaves the room to allow the body to respond to the moves.

There is no manipulation, bone cracking or adjustment of hard tissue and it is believed that the Bowen moves prompt the body to reset, repair, heal and balance itself with clients reporting the experience of pain relief, improvement of function and recovery of energy.


Why is the Bowen technique unique?
The human body is made up of connective fascia tissue, an elastic and often inelastic structural system that wraps round every part of the body and contributes to stability, flexibility, function and movement. This amazing network responds well to a lighter more intelligent touch that doesn’t seek to manipulate or force a structure into change. Bowen moves work with the underlying fascia and the restructuring that takes place is the result of internal adaptation in the elasticity of the fascia, creating freedom for hormonal changes and for structures to move and behave in biomechanical equilibrium. This allows the body to realign itself and correct injuries or malfunction and regular work can act as a preventative as well as a cure.

It is so gentle it can be used on people of any age from babies upwards and can be performed directly on the skin or through light clothing.

A treatment session normally lasts up to 45 minutes although the first visit is usually 1 - 1.25 hours giving time to discuss the primary reason for the visit but also to take a full medical history. It is recommended that no other treatment type is added whilst receiving Bowen therapy.

How many sessions will I need?
This will be determined by the individual and what they are there to address. If you are seeking an alternative to massage for relaxation then one session should suffice. Most people will have responses within one to three sessions with most conditions, when even long standing pain has been seen to be relieved in many clients. Some conditions might need to be treated for longer. Every person is different but in general to get the full benefit of the work it is recommended that a client books 3 weekly sessions initially


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